What is it

What is it

ZeriLink offers fast file transfer via the parallel port (Windows & Linux compatible).

Features :

Note that ZeriLink requires a special parallel cable to be made.

ZeriLink is Freeware.


Download version 2.60 (18 June 2006), PackDir archive
Download version 2.60 (18 June 2006), Zip archive (for Windows users)
Download version 2.60 (18 June 2006), gzipped tar archive (for Linux users)
Download version 2.60 (18 June 2006), Zip archive (Windows/Linux side source code)

Status Freeware
OS compatibility RISC OS 3.1 and later, or Windows 95 and later, or Linux
Hardware restrictions Requires PS/2 or ECP mode capable parallel ports
Processor compatibility ARM 2 and later (26-bit modes only), or 80386 and later