What is it
FileAct provides easy multi-file operations.
Features :
- Remembers 7 different (OSCLI) command lines that can be invoked on files or
directories in three different ways (double clicking while pressing ALT or
CTRL, dragging to an appropriate command line icon, or dragging to FileAct's
iconbar icon).
- Allows C-like '%' type arguments in those command lines, to be substituted
with (parts of) a target object's path prior to execution of the command line.
- Can optionally recurse into directories (i.e. also invoke the command line
on all objects found within the directory).
- As an extra, can execute a command line on detecting specific keypresses.
FileAct is Freeware.
version 2.40 (27 June 2006),
Status | Freeware
OS compatibility | RISC OS 3.1 and later
Hardware restrictions | None
Processor compatibility | ARM 2 and later (26-bit modes only)